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Post by Leisher » reporting the outage.
[Update]: Trion provided Massively with the following statement. "The team's been working all night and has already made a lot of progress improving things and are currently working on fixing the remaining problems with XL GAMES' help. We should have updates coming to the community in the next few hours."

The firm also mentioned "extra generous" compensation for the downtime, and said it would have more info on that once the problems are fully resolved.

Unless they're removing labor points from the game I won't be impressed.
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Post by GORDON »

Leisher wrote:Gauntlet was $10 yesterday on Steam, probably still is... I'd be very down for hearing "Wizard needs food...badly" with 3 other people.
Cake would just jam a piece of paper wedging the fire button down and auto-kill wizards right at their spawn point and then go afk and eat a sandwich or something.
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Post by GORDON »

Troy wrote:Hey, it's the Steam sale. I'm not ruling out being done with any particular game, but with THAT mind... if someone sees a solid multiplayer game pop up that they would reccomened and we could give a shot, count me in.
I still want to play Serious Sam 3 but last time I looked a few months ago those Croateam cocksuckers STILL hadn't discounted it, years after the release.

Fuck those guys.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Stranger, in one post, you say you are tired of playing by yourself, and then in another you say you don't always want to have to group up with people. Ummm. What exactly, do you (want to) do here? If you don't feel like playing with a group, then do the solo stuff. . . . that you are getting tired of. . . Honestly, that tells me you don't want to play an MMORPG! Not sure what the solution is for you. Have no suggestions.

Leisher, and Troy for that matter. Stop grinding, go free to play. Just log in and PvP. Do the stuff that you find fun.

Gordon, I think you have the wrong idea of my macroing. I'm not macroing skill gain or farming. I'm macroing so I stay in game to earn double the LP I would if I disconnected from them game.

From day one, I saw a VERY short life span for this game. Both for us, and as a whole. This is NOT a WoW replacement. This will rank up there with the top 5 shortest MMO lifespans, if you know what I mean. However, I do see it having a longer life for me because I enjoy playing it with my wife. She's been craving a game to play for quite a while. This is covering that for now. So, as long as she's playing, I'm playing. When she's done, I'll be done (as all of you will be long gone I'm sure). But, I don't see us playing this game this time next year.

It's a fun game. Very fun. Surprisingly fun. I entered the game with VERY low expectations. I think you all knew that based on all the questions I had, and complaints, before we started playing. I think that helps me like it more than some of us. I have figured out the things in the game that I enjoy doing, and have stopped doing the things I don't. I've learned how to make enough money that even a 30gp WC potion is worth it making LP somewhat less of an issue for me. I've also learned how to do more profitable, low LP sucking activities instead of the opposite. I've come to the conclusion that crafting most items in the game is worthless (to me) because the reward does NOT equal the effort. I'll be happy with my hasla/GHA equipment. Won't need the Delphinad stuff that will cost more than I care to invest in both time and gold. Items worth making. . . anything that goes into making Delphinad stuff. It's expensive as hell, not that hard to farm the resources I need via the game play I enjoy and easy to make. I've been doing sunridge ingots. The list goes on. I was able to find things that pay well, and I enjoy doing. This will give the game more life than you guys are finding.

I also have found people that I enjoy playing with, and enjoy playing with me. They are active and love to PvP.
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Post by TheCatt »

Leisher wrote:Gauntlet was $10 yesterday on Steam, probably still is... I'd be very down for hearing "Wizard needs food...badly" with 3 other people.
Borderlands Prequel?
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Post by TheCatt »

TPRJones wrote:If y'all dive into Minecraft or Space Engineers or one of those sorts of games as a group I'd be up for some of that for awhile. I'm not much for the PvP game experience as I prefer something more leisurely, but that doesn't mean I'm entirely opposed to playing games with other people.
I'm not big on sandboxes.

Anyone here ever play Artemis?
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Post by GORDON »

Cakedaddy wrote:Gordon, I think you have the wrong idea of my macroing. I'm not macroing skill gain or farming. I'm macroing so I stay in game to earn double the LP I would if I disconnected from them game.
I was referring to the thing you did at Cedar Point that day in the arcade.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I remember going to Cedar Point with everyone. But I do not remember killing wizards. I do remember that being a really fun day. At least that's how I'm remembering it. . . To this day, I remember Leisher's now wife explaining her favorite video game ever where you dive down and get treasures while avoiding sharks. I also remember picking out parts of the Snoopy area as our HQ for our game company. But I don't remember killing wizards.
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Post by TPRJones »

I was trying to figure out which game you mean, Cake, but there are too many options. Is it one of these?
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Post by GORDON »

Cakedaddy wrote:I remember going to Cedar Point with everyone. But I do not remember killing wizards. I do remember that being a really fun day. At least that's how I'm remembering it. . . To this day, I remember Leisher's now wife explaining her favorite video game ever where you dive down and get treasures while avoiding sharks. I also remember picking out parts of the Snoopy area as our HQ for our game company. But I don't remember killing wizards.
We all played Gauntlet in the arcade. We got tired of feeding quarters. You found an auto-kill spot, wedged the fire button, and we walked away watching some kids see it and be amazed.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I never played it TPR, so I don't know for sure.

I don't remember doing that. But I sound awesome.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Server is finally back up. Troy's farm is gone. New one in it's spot. But, they did place it such that, if Stranger and Troy pull up their small farms, another large could fit in that area. Madmordigan, how much do you want for that small spot? Would like to put a large farm there.
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Post by Leisher »

Stranger, in one post, you say you are tired of playing by yourself, and then in another you say you don't always want to have to group up with people. Ummm. What exactly, do you (want to) do here? If you don't feel like playing with a group, then do the solo stuff. . . . that you are getting tired of. . . Honestly, that tells me you don't want to play an MMORPG! Not sure what the solution is for you. Have no suggestions.

I disagree with you Cake. You're projecting your preferences onto him.

I am writing love letters in this thread about the PvP in AA, yet in the same breath complaining about their lack of content for solo play. Why don't you call me out for it?

The fact is we all like to play in different ways. Stranger and I (plus Gordo, Catt, Malcolm, etc.) love multi, but sometimes we don't want to deal with other people. Not that it's about other people, but at times, it's more hassle than it's worth. I'd rather be watching TV while I'm playing rather than listen to Diene drone on about Rou's shoelaces or some shit. I get annoyed when it takes us 4 hours to raid a single dungeon because we're standing around waiting for everyone for-fucking-ever, and then when we get there they have more shit to do, and then you have folks not listening, and yada yada yada. I'm not rich in game so maybe I think an evening of pillaging, while fun, isn't in my best interest as I've got money to make and that doesn't consistently pay the bills. Plus, there's so many things to grind. I spent 5 hours in Hasla on my T2 bow. It was nice having a TV on I could watch to distract me from the boredom.

Plus, when the rest of the guild isn't on, I'm typically stuck with nothing to do because the late game is made for groups. IMHO, that's shitty design. Not everyone wants to be in a guild. In fact, I'd say that being forced into guilds is part of the reason many people avoid MMOs.

BTW, you can't tell him to do the solo stuff because there isn't any solo stuff to do.

Leisher, and Troy for that matter. Stop grinding, go free to play. Just log in and PvP. Do the stuff that you find fun.

All the fun still requires groups. Plus, I'm not mad about owning land, having to earn my place, etc. That's all fine with me.

The fact that they let people exploit the game AND keep their accounts/money while I'm fighting with a horrible labor system and a broken economy is bullshit.

All that shit is no fun. Hell, that's all stuff you admit. So your suggestion is that I quit being a part of the world and just be a hired gun whenever I happen to be on and you are on and an actual group is on. Forgive me for not being more excited about that.

I can't get excited about fighting in a world where I've already lost because I was forced to play a way I don't want to play. I enjoy farming. I enjoy crafting. I enjoy exploring. All things you're punished for in AA unless you're spending money.

From day one, I saw a VERY short life span for this game. Both for us, and as a whole. This is NOT a WoW replacement. This will rank up there with the top 5 shortest MMO lifespans, if you know what I mean. However, I do see it having a longer life for me because I enjoy playing it with my wife. She's been craving a game to play for quite a while. This is covering that for now. So, as long as she's playing, I'm playing. When she's done, I'll be done (as all of you will be long gone I'm sure). But, I don't see us playing this game this time next year.

I totally understand and that's why I'm not telling you to quit a game that's soon to be dead.

It's a fun game. Very fun. Surprisingly fun. I entered the game with VERY low expectations.

I was the same. However, I don't have a wife playing so I'm not willing to look past the massive flaws and fuck yous from the designers and now from Trion. You can't fault me or Stranger or Troy for that.

And again, I LOVE THE PvP in this game.

I think that helps me like it more than some of us. I have figured out the things in the game that I enjoy doing, and have stopped doing the things I don't. I've learned how to make enough money that even a 30gp WC potion is worth it making LP somewhat less of an issue for me. I've also learned how to do more profitable, low LP sucking activities instead of the opposite. I've come to the conclusion that crafting most items in the game is worthless (to me) because the reward does NOT equal the effort. I'll be happy with my hasla/GHA equipment. Won't need the Delphinad stuff that will cost more than I care to invest in both time and gold. Items worth making. . . anything that goes into making Delphinad stuff. It's expensive as hell, not that hard to farm the resources I need via the game play I enjoy and easy to make. I've been doing sunridge ingots. The list goes on. I was able to find things that pay well, and I enjoy doing. This will give the game more life than you guys are finding.

So share details of exactly what you're doing in game that earns you the 200gp a day, and perhaps others won't be so irritated with the game. Perhaps once they have cash, they'll have more freedom to pursue other goals or interests. Don't just attack them for being upset with a game that has a terrible design, run by a bunch of incompetent greedy jackasses, and tries to force them to play in a manner they don't want.

I also have found people that I enjoy playing with, and enjoy playing with me. They are active and love to PvP.

I thought you had a group like that.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

How am I projecting my preferences on him, when I say I have no suggestions for him.

You totally misread everything I said. They were all suggestions. I'm not trying to make you enjoy anything. I'm trying to make suggestions for sticking with the parts of the game you enjoy. Never thought you were trying to tell me to quit either.

I was simply sharing my interpretations of the game with you in case you found something I did interesting. You guys should do whatever you want.

As far as gold: The aging larders are easy cash and you can watch Netflix while doing them. They are labor hungry, sort of. Build it, 50lp. Plant it, free. Fill it, 0 lp, materials are milk and lemons. Let it sit for 3 days. 50 lp to pack it up. 60 labor to turn it in. Make them in Two Crowns and deliver to Gweonid for 14+ gold and they are always 127% and up. I plant 3 per night, make one run turning the ripe ones in for 42g /night, about 30 minutes of game time. I have found short cuts that get me to Gweonid from my farm on 3 fuels, with about 2 minutes left on the 3rd. So, 22 minutes of carting. Other money: All the packs I get while pirating go towards materials. Those materials are turned into potions. Those potions, plus some I buy on the market get turned into Sunridge ingots. I sold my first one on the market for 185 gold, 165 in my pocket. That was the lowest. A few days later, I sold the next one off the AH for 250 gold, all in my pocket. Third one, I sold on the AH for 250 gold. The fluctuate between 180 and 300 gold. When they hit 300, that's when I'm spamming mine for 250g. You can buy low, sell high if you have the cash. The market jumps up and down daily, but makes the 100+ jump about every 3-4 days. There are MANY items that are very volatile on the AH. Mysterious Garden Powder. Dahuta's bubbles. Silver ore. Raw materials because of all the expansion in Auroria. Lumber is back up to 24 silver each. Ummmm. I have a small spreadsheet of about 12 items I watch. WC potions, although, these have stabalized at about 30-33 as you know. They spike every once in a while, but immediately correct. Tax Certs. They fluctuate about 30 silver on a regular basis. I buy at 1 gold or less, but don't often resell, so I don't know for sure the profit is there. Expansion scrolls. They dropped all the way down to 22g the other day, shot right back up to their normal 40g. Those companion crusts. When the new mounts were put on the MP, they went up fast. I missed those. :-( I'm always trying to find something that you can buy materials cheaply, make something that sells for a lot. Elite Merchants Cushion is an example. I think there's about 15g profit if you buy everything. I planted Yata's to off set the cost for more profit. But, husbandry is labor thirsty and I'm aborting that. But those sell for about 65g I think? They are awesome. Place in your house. For 10 labor, you summon the slut Eli and she's a Warehouse Manager, Auctioneer, and General Merchant in your house for about 10 minutes. Saves a lot of running into town. Eli has major cleavage and the shortest skirt in the game. What I do is figure out what people want. Say, Delphinad armor. Then, I check the materials. They all need one or two Sunridge ingots. I research the materials for those. When I started, Mysterious Garden powder sold for about 7-9 gold each at its low. Sold at 12-13 g. Now, I buy at 15g and sell at 25g. Buy 10 at a time, sell 1 or 2 at a time (it's bad to try to sell high value items in bulk because not many people are ready to drop 250g to buy the cheapest). MGP goes as high as 28, but I can never sell it there cause it gets under cut too fast. You have to try to catch the one guy that needs one right now. When I try to get those high prices, I only sell one so I don't lose to much in fees to dead auctions. Other people play the 'penny' items. That would be dahuta's bubble. Drops to 70 silver at times. It's normal price right now is 1.4g. But, to match the profit of a sunridge, you have to buy/sell a shit ton. I don't do that.

I could go on. In summary, I play the market. I've been as low a 11 gold only to be back to 700 gold by the following evening. I always do 12 hour auctions too. Sell high, get under cut, stay on the market long enough to be a part of the next up swing. Especially as all the other 6 hour auctions start to expire. I never do more because the fees are expensive. Playing the market is a grind just like any other part of the game. But, it's the most profitable, I find. But even the larders at 42g / day is a good income.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

As far as the exploits, ya, I agree. Fucked up. But, at least with the last round of Apex exploits, they are sort of perma-banning. One guy said his account was suspended until he paid for the 43 Apex he generated in the game. Once they are paid for, his account will be reinstated. I thought that was actually better than a ban. Not saying "It's all good now!", because it did fuck up a fucked up game even more. Just sharing info. That's why this game is going to be so short term. Hell, even now my wife doesn't want to play because Troy lost his farm. She's wondering what the next Trion fuck up is going to cost us.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

And speaking of farms. . . . Troy had two and was going to give one to Jemm and one to Stranger. One fell and is gone. So. . . . who gets the remaining one? I submit:

Jemm plays A LOT. Jemm farms A LOT. She would use the farm A LOT. Jemm decorates her farms with pretty things. Have you seen that bee hive!?
Stranger, doesn't play very often. Has farms full of sick animals. Brings surrounding property values down. Is talking about playing less because of some MechMMO.

I think Jemm should get the farm. I think the farm wants Jemm! Can Jemm have the farm?

Oh ya, Jemm had been spending labor keeping those 3 male polar bears fed and happy. Stranger didn't even know their names. Jemm cares.

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Post by Leisher »

How am I projecting my preferences on him, when I say I have no suggestions for him.

Wasn't about your suggestions for him. It was about your judgement:

Stranger, in one post, you say you are tired of playing by yourself, and then in another you say you don't always want to have to group up with people. Ummm. What exactly, do you (want to) do here? If you don't feel like playing with a group, then do the solo stuff. . . . that you are getting tired of. . . Honestly, that tells me you don't want to play an MMORPG!

You totally misread everything I said. They were all suggestions. I'm not trying to make you enjoy anything. I'm trying to make suggestions for sticking with the parts of the game you enjoy. Never thought you were trying to tell me to quit either.

I was simply sharing my interpretations of the game with you in case you found something I did interesting. You guys should do whatever you want.

You're missing my point. I'm not debating with you. This isn't an argument. I was simply stating that we're seeing the game differently right now because we don't all have the same play style.

Truth be told, without your wife, you'd be right where I am and you know it.

By the way, I just got on and did my errands. You were the only person on beside me. Then Diene gets on and whispers me. Hooray...

Oh and no queue to log in. Servers been down for a day and no queue to log in even though it's only 1 of 3 servers online. That can't be good.
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Post by Leisher »

As far as the exploits, ya, I agree. Fucked up. But, at least with the last round of Apex exploits, they are sort of perma-banning. One guy said his account was suspended until he paid for the 43 Apex he generated in the game. Once they are paid for, his account will be reinstated. I thought that was actually better than a ban. Not saying "It's all good now!", because it did fuck up a fucked up game even more. Just sharing info. That's why this game is going to be so short term. Hell, even now my wife doesn't want to play because Troy lost his farm. She's wondering what the next Trion fuck up is going to cost us.

If she's interested in farming my two farms we could work out a trade of some sort. I've got 500 pomms and that's all I grow. Was going to start farming pines for another TS tree so I could work on a farm wagon.
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Post by Troy »

Jemm can totally have the farm.

How long before it goes down?
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I don't see where I'm judging. I'm stating my observation which he can then correct if I'm observing incorrectly. If he doesn't always want to play with himself, and doesn't want to play with other people, then what does he want to do? I have, I think, the most experience in the game right now. Maybe I can help him find something to do, if he wants.

It felt like a debate because I shared my experiences and you pointed out how they didn't apply to you.
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